Östlund Consulting Wind is appointed senior advisor within Asset Management, Operation and Maintenance of wind projects internationally.
Since Östlund Consulting Wind was founded in year 2009, our focus has been the Swedish market, now the focus is exanding covering also international projects.
Östlund Consulting Wind are specialized in Management of wind power
Östlund Consulting Wind enters into CEO-agreements for two new wind farms in Sweden. The wind farms are Fjällboheden, which will be in operation year 2021 and Tormoserör wind farm, which goes into operation in year 2022.
Östlund Consulting Wind are specialized in Asset Management of wind power
Östlund Consulting Wind has up to May 2021 been manageing EnBW Sveriges seven (7) operational wind farms and two (2) grid companies in Sweden.
From May 2021 Östlund Consulting Wind will operate as an advisor and support EnBW Sveriges Business development.
Östlund Consulting Wind are specialized in Asset Management of power plants on the Nordic market.
Östlund Consulting Wind has cooperated with FuGen since 2017 when the FuGen acquired two operational wind farms in Kalix and Dorotea.
In May 2021 Östlund Consulting Wind entered into a new agreement where Östlund Consulting Wind will act as advisor for FuGen AG.
Östlund Consulting Wind are specialized in Asset Management of power plants on the Nordic market.
Östlund Consulting Wind entered in May 2021 an agreement with EnBW Sverige for the management of the grid companies Bliekevare Nät AB and Röbergsfjället Nät AB. Östlund Consulting Wind will manages the companies with Tord Östlund as CEO.
Östlund Consulting Wind are specialized in Asset Management of power plants on the Nordic market.